Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Sitting in my office.. don't know what am I here for.. work you will say.. somehow not possible from now on.. Sitting here is like seeing a dying kid.. feeling so calm.. as if a storm just passed.. feeling so blank as if nothing is left.. I so need you O light of hope.. I so need you in the midst of all this..

Monday, March 28, 2011

here again..


I'm here again.. sitting before computer screen.. pushing hard on myself to find some heavy words to express how am I feeling.. Its weird I'm telling you.. eh.. why do we encounter such days in life.. Starting day with a rough conversation with family member.. Why does it happen? Why is it so easy to love the whole world and difficult to love your very own family? I always have to put 5 times extra efforts to behave the same as I do outside naturally..Why.. I so need to take some rest.. Sometimes wanna run away.. but I know thats not the solution.. I often hear someone shouting "run Anku run.." just like in the movie Forrest Gump..but I also hear this voice inside me.. that says.. Wait on me.. Peace be unto you..